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Trust in God Delivers Me From Fear

I have no reason to live fearfully. I am learning to trust in order to rid myself from all anxiety. I rest safely in the arms of my Creator, knowing that I am an important piece of a much bigger picture.

Fear flees from my thoughts the minute I acknowledge that I am not alone. I can rely on the strength and wisdom from God to guide me through the journey of life. I find peace when I take the pressure off of myself and embrace God’s help.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

I give my best to everything I do. Each day, I seek to become a better person than I was the day before. But there comes a point where my natural strength ends and my faith begins.

When I actuate my identity in Christ, I eradicate fear from my life. Faith requires that I give up control. The birthplace of worry is a heart full of pride. My heart is humble enough to accept that I need help.

“Humble yourself before for the Lord and he will life you up.” James 4:10

Taking the spotlight off of myself gives me great freedom. Peace of mind comes from knowing I do not have to have all the answers. In the journey of life, I simply need to follow my heart and allow the Author of life to write the story.

Today, I choose to accept my Creator's hand stretched out before me. I terminate apprehension by joining forces with God, instead of looking within myself for all the answers.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How is humility an integral part of my faith?

  2. What burdens do I need to release today?

  3. Does my current situation require more than just my natural strength?

May the peace of God be in your heart,

The grace of God be in your words,

The love of God be in your hands,

The joy of God be in your soul and in the song that your life sings.



1431 Riverside Pkwy, Suite A

Lawrenceville, GA 30043

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